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Consulting and Project Management

Smart Regions for driving digital transformation

Smart Regions for driving digital transformation

Geoinformation systems as enabler for planning processes

Geoinformation systems as enabler for planning processes

Software development and platforms for modern public authorities

Software development and platforms for modern public authorities

Broadband as groundwork for digitalisation

Broadband as groundwork for digitalisation

Mobile communications providing connectivity

Mobile communications providing connectivity

Measurement technology for Digital Twins

Measurement technology for Digital Twins

Consulting and support for EU funding programs

Consulting and support for EU funding programs

Project management for an efficient workflow

Project management for an efficient workflow

GDPR services by aconium Albania

GDPR services by atene KOM Albania

Professional development through trainings and workshops

Professional development through trainings and workshops

Training and Certification

Support to train employees in the field of fiber
optic laying and equipping them with a well recognized certificate.

The training is done by European experts with
profound knowledge in this field.


Prerequisite for Modern Urban and Spatial Planning


Smart regions for driving digital transformation

The Smart Regions Team assists municipalities in developing a digital strategy, designing participation processes, and implementing specific digital projects. We specialize in addressing the various challenges that public stakeholders face in the context of digital transformation.

Our team performs a comprehensive analysis of the local situation and identifies the digital potential for each respective municipality. Based on this analysis, we develop an appropriate digital strategy and provide on-site support for the implementation and evaluation of various digital projects. This includes introducing 5G for society and industry, among other initiatives.

Geoinformation systems as enabler for planning processes

aconium specializes in developing and visualizing specialized data in a geographical context to identify new potentials for public sector planning processes. We offer and use GIS systems for spatial evaluations to create spatially related and complementary data and derive recommended actions for program development, crisis management and structural considerations, such as for mobile communications, municipal infrastructure, or tourism.

Our team provides support throughout the entire project, from strategic considerations on the use of GIS Hub to geodata consulting and system deployment, as well as the professional analysis of the results. In addition to the GIS systems we offer, aconium provides training on the correct use and interpretation of the system and data.

Software development and platforms for modern public authorities

aconium provides support for the daily work of efficient public institutions with self-developed, customizable digital solutions. Our own development centers in Berlin and Tirana specialize in developing digital solutions such as apps, websites, and software applications that optimize collaboration and process management, as well as enable reliable visualization and analysis through the integration of spatial components.

Some of our products include a tendering platform, a transparency platform, and LINK All, which facilitates virtual networking of project partners for successful cooperation. In addition, aconium supports projects through digital process management, ensuring streamlined and effective implementation.

Broadband as groundwork for digitalization

aconium provides consultancy on broadband funding and offers technical and legal advice, making broadband one of our core competencies. We have established our expertise in broadband over the last 15 years through consultancy services for the German Federal Government. We have managed over 1000 broadband funding projects on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport, acting as a granting and auditing authority to ensure compliance with the relevant laws, procedures and regulations.

Furthermore, aconium covers all aspects of broadband, including legal, economic, and technical aspects, and offers a holistic consultancy approach to public authorities on this topic. Our comprehensive knowledge and experience in this area enable us to provide effective and efficient support to ensure that broadband serves as the groundwork for digitalization.

Mobile communications providing connectivity

aconium offers solutions to public authorities regarding mobile communications, with a focus on providing comprehensive coverage and connectivity for citizens and the economy. We have vast expertise in mobile communications, including consultancy services related to frequency policy and regulation, identification of suitable locations for masts to achieve 5G coverage using GIS, strategies for closing white spots, and planning and evaluating mobile communications infrastructure.

Measurement technology for Digital Twins

Measurement technology systems such as mobile coverage detection, mobile mapping, and ground investigation, which record the environment with high precision and density, are essential for upcoming technologies like Digital Twins.

With aconium's extensive modular measurement technology, multiple measurements can be conducted simultaneously with a single test run, generating a large amount of data effectively and economically. The company offers several measurement techniques, including the module driving, 360° Camera & LiDAR, mobile communications, and ground-penetrating radar. In addition to measurement, atene KOM also provides planning, surveying, data recording, monitoring, and data provision and final report activities as part of its measurement process portfolio.

Consulting and support for EU funding programs

aconium provides consultancy services to clients who wish to receive EU funding through programmes such as INTERREG or Erasmus+. Our company offers advice on the fields of application and limits of these funding programmes, and provides support in selecting and applying for them in the area of regional development. We also assist in proper management of the funds, which is a crucial aspect of the process.

Project management for an efficient workflow

Project management offers well-established methods that are applied at different stages of a project to provide added value to clients in terms of accurate scheduling and efficient work, ultimately leading to the successful implementation of a specific project.

One of aconium's key competencies is project management for public institutions. Using our efficient methods and various tools, we have successfully managed complex projects with multiple partners, ensuring that project deliverables are implemented with high quality within given deadlines. When managing a project, aconium is responsible for coordinating external and internal communication, providing finance management services and managing events, among other tasks.

GDPR services by aconium Albania

The aconium Albania team offers legal advice on all aspects of GDPR, including data protection issues, and aims to help the Albanian public and private sectors understand where to focus their GDPR compliance efforts.

aconium Albania is dedicated to supporting national and international companies from all sectors in preparing for GDPR compliance. This includes drafting and implementing GDPR treatment registrations, creating GDPR organizational chart profiles, drafting IT policies, providing GDPR training, and conducting final audits.

In all GDPR compliance matters, the team works closely with one of the most experienced international companies on GDPR, which has professional experts on data protection and compliance as well as highly qualified IT security experts. Together, we ensure that GDPR-compliant data protection management is effectively integrated into all processes.

Professional development through trainings and workshops

Providing learning opportunities in the context of project management and other thematic focal points such as digitalization, energy, mobility or education is a critical success factor for any organization.

aconium recognizes the importance of professional development for individual employees and offers workshops, training, coaching, and mentoring programs to impart knowledge, improve work processes, and enhance employee performance. Our trained staff can provide you with standardized solutions or customized training models tailored to your specific needs. Additionally, we offer further staff training and concrete support services, such as outsourcing, to help your organization achieve its goals.