Portfolio Description

The Project

The Broadband Europe section of the Digital Single Market website informs about the broadband developments in the EU and Member States, broadband policies and their implementation. Further, it promotes the aims of the Gigabit Society 2025. The website also provides information and guidance on investing in broadband development, technological solutions, business models, financing tools and measures to reduce the costs of broadband deployment. Broadband Europe showcases more than 200 successful broadband projects in the good practice database.


  • The Successful dissemination of High-Capacity Networks (HCNs)
  • Providing information on broadband development in the EU and Member States (policy and implementation)
  • Managing the European Broadband Awards
  • Collecting good practices in broadband development

aconium responsibilities

  • Setup, completing, improving and monitoring the website´s content by analysing new studies and other sources of current information on broadband technologies, economies and policies
  • Updating the 28 country pages and translate the content into the national languages
  • Design, organisation and implementation of the annual European Broadband Awards and evaluation of applications
  • Updating the good practice database
  • Developing and implementation of the communication plan, including social media