Governmental Day Workshop

Portfolio Description

The Project

The Governmental Day is a workshop concept of the aconium GmbH that is implemented in the frame of different events focusing on broadband development and digitisation.

The Governmental Day Workshop provides an interactive platform for European broadband stakeholders. In particular, the workshop tackles the challenges of broadband deployment and digitisation for municipalities, regions and their public administration. It informs about political developments at European level, presents innovative best-practice solutions and supports the establishment of a strong community of all actors involved in the digitisation process. It is always intended to integrate and activate the participants, e.g. in discussion rounds, workings sessions or multilogs.

The Governmental Day Workshop addresses policy makers, public officials, and regional and local bodies. It includes keynotes by the European Commission and presentations from the Member States of the European Union. In addition, panel discussions and interactive sessions and participatory processes will be held covering key topics in broadband and digitisation in Europe.

Each Governmental Day Workshop is planned individually to meet the needs and expectations of the respective event.


The aim of the workshop is to provide decision makers and actors from all EU Member States and regions with an information and knowledge exchange platform, and thus to promote their cooperation in the fields of

  • development of digital infrastructures and services,
  • building digital competences and

innovative use of high-speed networks.

aconium responsibilities

  • Initiation and conceptualisation of the Governmental Day Workshop as an important knowledge transfer platform among broadband stakeholders from all over Europe
  • Demand analysis to identify the main discussion topics for the workshop
  • Setup of the workshop structure and providing competent speakers from the EU Commission and the EU Member States
  • Communication and promotion of the workshop throughout Europe
  • Organisational preparation of the workshop
  • Implementation of the workshop