Portfolio Description

Digital Agenda for the North Sea

The Project

The DANS cluster connected three projects funded under the first priority of the INTERREG IV B North Sea Region (2007-2013) programme, namely: Creative City Challenge (CCC), Smart Cities and E-CLIC. These three projects combined their expertise, contacts and networks and thereby built a base upon which the “Digital Agenda for Europe” (DAE) could be implemented within the North Sea region.

The project focused on the link between the local and regional strategies to the DAE, identified implementation barriers and pointed at synergies. This led to a number of strategic outputs (e.g. an implementation strategy, the ‘DANS model’, ‘Good Practices Guide’) and dissemination activities by modern means of communication.


The aim of the DANS cluster was to provide a solid basis upon which the “Digital Agenda for Europe” (DAE) might be implemented within the North Sea Region. The project did not limit itself to repeating any of the approaches developed in the Creative City Challenge (CCC), Smart Cities and E-CLIC projects. Rather, it capitalised on the main lessons learned and experiences gained from them, used and expanded their networks and undertook additional activities to achieve greater, high impact results.

aconium responsibilities

As a project partner, aconium GmbH focused on communications and transfer. Thus, the link to the German Federal Broadband Bureau was established, a presentation of the project held at a session of the Committee of the Regions in Brussels and the final conference organized along the CeBIT in Hanover. Furthermore, a multi-tier online questionnaire was programmed, executed and analysed regarding the prioritisation of DAE aspects by specific target groups.